Kamis, 21 Juni 2012

Sahabat2ku ^^ :*

Selasa, 19 Juni 2012

"oh My goD"

           Bingung..and bingung saat pertama kali mendengar kata-kata "CINTA", beribu ribu kali kata-kata itu muncul dipikiranku. Sejenak aku mendengarkan lagu-lagu yang ada di handphoneku, tapi tetap saja ku temukan kata itu.
"Huh, apaan sih....cinta cintaan trusss gaada kerjaan lain apa." gumamku didalam hati.

          Keesokan pagi, aku tetap pergi kesekolah seperti biasanya, datang pada waktu yang tidak normal alias telat. Hari ini tepat dimana aku selalu bertemu dengan seorang wanita parubaya namun agak sedikit sangar yaitu ibu Sri, seorang guru disekolahku yang mengajar pelajaran kimia. Disekolahku Ibu Sri terkenal sangat galak, sudah beberapa kali aku dihukum gara-gara sering telat...huhu

Tapi hari ini aku beruntung tidak dihukum...hihiii :D (asekkkkkk)

"Tumben nenek sihir itu gak ngehukum gue, ssuatuu bangett yakk." obrolanku dengan Eca teman sebangkuku yang sedari tadii asik ngerumpiiiiii lewat kertas bekas yang berada diatas meja. Tak lama kemudian setelah kertas bekas itu penuh dengan obrolan kami, tiba-tiba ada seorang cowok freak yang entah dari mana berasal masuk kekelas XII IPS4 yang tak lain kelasku.

"Anak-anak kita kedatangan seorang teman baru pindahan dari Semarang, yang bernama Parman." jelas Bu Sri memperkenalkan murid baru tersebut

"Perkenalken nama saya Parman dari semarang, saya harap kalian semua bisa menerima kehadiran saya."cerita Parman memperkenalkan dirinya.

Serentak saja, aku tertawa sangat lebarr melihat dandanan Parman yang amburadul. Kontan saja Bu Sri, menyuruhku keluar kelas karena membuat suasana gaduh..huh :(

            Sejak kejadian itu, aku jadi sensi dengan Parman. Sesekalii dia menegurku namun tak pernah aku hiraukan. Saat waktu istirahat tiba aku dan Eca duduk disebuah pohon yang dahannya hampir rapuh.

"Bel, koq lo nyuekin Parman sih?" tanya Eca kepadaku
"Hadohhhhh lemot deh, gara2 dia tau ngak gue kena hukum sama Bu Srigala itu n parahnya lagii, raport gue terancam gak dibagiin karena udah sring buat msalah sm dia" ceritaku dengan Eca.
"Hahhahaaaaaaa, MLDL deh masalah lo derita lo" ejek Eca padaku
"Au ah elap, bodok amat EgePe dehhh" balasku

           Saking semangatnya, tak terasa gaya gravitasii terjadi pada diriku, akuu....aku....terjatuhhhh. Kontan saja seluruh tubuhku terasa sehat ya sakitlah...huhu. Langsung saja ku plot k status FB ku..

_Aku terjatuh_

Tentu saja banyak yang ngelike dan ngomen donk. Bencana membawa berkah, maklum status dFB ku jarang ada yang ngelike n ngomen. Makklum deh anak jman sekarang suka dengan lopek lopek, dan dkmus hidup aku gak ada yang namanya Lopek, Love, Cinta, whateverlah...................

         Hari berganti hari, aku semakin bersemangat untuk sekolah (bohong sebenernya). Ku lihat cowok Freak itu duduk disebuah pohon yang dahannya agak rapuh, tempat dimana sring aku dtangi ketika lagi suntuk. Tentu saja aku sangat jengkel dengan kedatangan dia.
 "Heyyyyyyyy llllllloooo!!!!!!!" jeriit ku    
"oh, kamu" jawabnya singkat
"dihhh, gaya lo basii banget sih? ngapaiin lo ambil alih tempat gue?" balasku
Parman celingak celinguk disekitar tempat itu, kemudian menatapku.
"Trus masalah! gak ada larangan kan?" jawabnya

           Tentu saja akuu kesal bukan kepalang, si cwok freak itu menjwab dengan singkat tapi ngak jelas.

              Tak terasa sudah satu tahun, aku menginjak bangku kelas 3 SMA. Waktu kelulusan sudah tiba, aku dan teman-temanku lulus dengan hasil yang lumayan. Parman si cwok freak itu kembali lagi ke Semarang untuk melanjutkan k Universitas. Dan aku pun melanjutkan k universitas impianku, alhamdulillah yah aku diterima jurusan Republik Cinta Manajemen.. :D yah bukanlah mksdy Manajemen Informatika.

              Meski berbeda jurusan aku dan Eca masi sering curcol bareng, tapi gak lewat kertas bekas lagi, tapi darii hati ke hati meski agak alay sih :D
              "Bel, kapan sih lo t py pcar?" tanya Eca
              " Kapan kapan aja lah." jwabku singkat sambil senyum kepaksa
              "ihh, mauu tah lo jadi perawan tuak?" tnya Eca lagi
              " Ya, ngaklah...ih lo mah ada2 aja." jawabku lagi
               "Mangka'y kapan?" tanya Eca lagiiiiiii dan lagiiiii
             "Hadeh, rempong amat sihh, gue tu ngak ngertii soal begituan, apalgi masalah lopek, plis jangan tanya2 lagiiiii". jwabku lagi dan lagi

              Saat sedang asik mengobrol, pikiranku teringat si cwok freak "Parman".
"Haduhhh, koq kepikiran dia sih." gumamku dalam hati.

Teringat kata-kata Eca ketika itu. Kapan aku punya pacar dan perawan tua sungguhh menggangu pikiranku. Dan lagi lagi aku teringat nama cwok freak itu "Parman" si cwok yang selalu membuatku kesal dan gayanya yang amburadul (aneh). Sungguh membuatkuu gilaa...(agak lebay dkit pemirsa)

Sejenak aku mendengarkan lagu Pretty Boy..

I lie awake at night

See things in black and white

I've only got you inside my mind

You know you have made me blind

I lie awake and pray

That you will look my way

I have all this longing in my heart

I knew it right from the start

Oh my pretty pretty boy I love you

Like I never ever loved no one before you

Pretty pretty boy of mine

Just tell me you love me too

Oh my pretty pretty boy

I need you

Oh my pretty pretty boy I do

Let me inside

Make me stay right beside you

I used to write your name

And put it in a frame

And sometime I think I hear you call

Right from my bedroom wall

You stay a little while

And touch me with your smile

And what can I say to make you mine

To reach out for you in time

Oh my pretty pretty boy I love you

Like I never ever loved no one before you

Pretty pretty boy of mine

Just tell me you love me too

Oh my pretty pretty boy

I need you

Oh my pretty pretty boy I do

Let me inside

Make me stay right beside you


Oh pretty boy

Say you love me too

Oh my pretty pretty boy I love you

Like I never ever loved no one before you

Pretty pretty boy of mine

Just tell me you love me too

Oh my pretty pretty boy

I need you

Oh my pretty pretty boy I do

Let me inside

Make me stay right beside you

Sejenak kata hatiku berkata, mungkinkah inikah namanya "Love"

Bersambung............................heheh tunggu cerita selanjutnya By Hilda R

Cause and Effect Of Air Pollution

Air pollution is one of the most visible forms of pollution. Anyone who's seen the brownish-yellow sky over a city, or dark smoke belching from the tail pipe of a bus or industrial smoke stack knows what it looks like. It's effects are not always so obvious, and range from contaminated rain to ozone levels to global warming. There are also health concerns, making air pollution a serious environmental concern.

Air pollution is essentially the introduction of particles into the atmosphere that does not belong there. Particulate matter, tiny pieces of contaminants, which because they are lighter than air become airborne. They might then rise high into the air to travel on the winds, or float near ground level. This is a result of both the kind of pollutant and where it is released. Car exhaust, for example, starts much lower than industrial smoke. Air pollution does not have to be man made chemicals. The desertification of wilderness areas releases extra dust and sand into the air that also causes many of the problems associated with chemical air pollution.

One of the most visible effects of air pollution is smog. A fog-like smoke (hence the term, "smog") that blankets many cities, it can be seen as a discolored haze that obscures the view of skylines around the world. It comes from car exhausts and other emissions put out by a modern city such as furnaces, incinerators, and surrounding industries. This effects not only the people who breathe it but also all systems that rely on circulating air. When it is particularly heavy, the dust and grime can adversely impact machinery by clogging filters, and gears.

           Acid rain is caused when chemicals from pollutants enter the atmosphere and become bound to rain droplets. The chemical composition of the water then changes and becomes acidic. When it falls to earth it has numerous consequences. Aside from polluting the existing water table, the acid also affects plants and trees. Acid rain can kill a forest by affecting not only the leaves and bark, but also by raising the acidity of the soil. Acid rain affects human constructions as well, especially any item made of stone. This includes monuments and statures, but also building structures which are eaten away by the acid.

Air pollution causes numerous health consequences for people. Like the filters in machinery and buildings, a person's lungs can become coated with the particulate matter in the pollution. This can lead to any number of respiratory problems, depending on the levels of exposure. At the very minimum, people who suffer from asthma or respiratory issues may have more difficulty. Long term exposure can lead to health concerns similar to long term smoking, such as cancer and emphysema. This is in addition to any contamination caused by toxic chemicals that may be in the pollution, which themselves carry numerous health risks.

One of the biggest effects of air pollution is it's global reach. Even areas that don't have vehicles or industry, such as the arctic, are still affected by air pollution as global currents carry chemicals and particles around the world. Another aspect of air pollution is also global warming, which is caused by excess carbon dioxide. Although CO2 is a gas, and not a particle, because more of it is being put into the atmosphere through human activities, it counts as a pollutant. So does changes to the ozone levels, both the higher atmospheric ozone layer (affected by CFC's) and also ground level ozone which is similar to smog.

Minggu, 22 Januari 2012

Aplikasi dan Pengukuran komposisi kimia

Aplikasi Pengukuran Komposisi Kimia pada Industri
I.                   Pengertian Secara Umum Metode dan Instrumen Pengukuran Komposisi Kimia
A.      Analisis dengan Metode Serapan Ultraviolet
Penyerapan sinar tampak atau ultraviolet oleh suatu molekul yang dapat menyebabkan eksitasi elektron dalam orbital molekul tersebut dari tingkat energi dasar ke tingkat energi yang lebih tinggi.

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